About Gut-Research

Research group within the Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research in Amsterdam



Meet Our team

Wouter de Jonge

Prof, PhD - (Group Leader)

Training & education: Biomedical; University of Utrecht, Columbia University, University of Amsterdam, University of Oxford.
Skills: Translational science, private sector partnerships, mucosal immunology, epigenetics.

René M. van den Wijngaard

Ass. prof, PhD - (Coord. IBS Research)

Training & education: PhD at Pathology Department, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
Skills: motility, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), visceral hypersensitivity, mast cells, micro- and mycobiota.

Anje A. te Velde

Ass. prof, PhD - (Principal Investigator)

Training & education: Medical Biology, Free University Amsterdam, PhD at the University of Amsterdam
Skills: Immunology, Cell biology.

Jurgen Seppen

Ass. prof, PhD - (Principal Educator)

Training & education: Biology at University of Groningen (the Netherlands)
Skills: Molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, teaching

Paula Metselaar


Training & education: Bachelor Liberal Arts & Sciences, Erasmus University College, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Master Biomedical Sciences, Leiden University.
Skills: Cell culture, qPCR, data analysis.

Theo B. M. Hakvoort

Ass. prof, PhD

Training & education: Biochemistry, University Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Skills: Protein chemistry, enzymology, molecular biology, stable isotopes, next generation sequencing

Bruno Sovran

Staff scientist, PhD

Training & education: MSc at Nestlé Research Center (Lausanne, Switzerland), PhD at Wageningen University (the Netherlands).
Skills: Translational science, in vivo experiments, cell culture, molecular biology, microbiology (bacteria and fungi).

Caroline Oostveen-Verseijden

BAS - (Project manager, Technician)

Training & education: Medical Biology at Hogeschool Alkmaar (the Netherlands); working with lab animals (article 12) and radio activity (level 5b); culturing cells and tissues course, molecular biology course.
Skills: Flow cytometry, (primary) cell culture, qPCR, ELISA, in vivo experiments.

Mohammed Ghiboub

MSc - (PhD-student)

Training & education: Pharmacy, Djillali Liabes University (Algeria), Pharmacology, Strasbourg University (France), Host-Graft relationship, Franche-Comté University (France)
Skills: Immunohistochemistry, qPCR, Cell culture, Mouse model of atopic dermatitis, Pharmacology and Immunology

Andrew Y.F. Li Yim

MSc - (PhD-student)

Training & education: Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences, University of Utrecht (the Netherlands); Liberal Arts & Sciences, University College of Utrecht (the Netherlands).
Skills: in vitro research (qPCR, cloning, pulldown assays), in silico research (data analyses in R, phylogenetics, scripts in Perl

Olaf Welting

MSc - (Technician)

Training & education: Biology at University of Utrecht (the Netherlands); working with lab animals (article 9) and with radio activity (level 5b); immunology, qPCR and statistics courses.
Skills: motility, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), visceral hypersensitivity, mast cells.

Patricia H.P. van Hamersveld

BAS - (Technician)

Training & education: Zoology (including article 12) at HLO/Life Sciences Hogeschool Utrecht (the Netherlands).
Skills: Experimental animal techniques, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, cell culture.

Iris Admiraal-van den Berg

BAS - (Technician)

Training & education: Biology and Medical Laboratory Research; Hogeschool van Hall Larenstein, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.
Skills: Cell culture, Organoids, Immunohistochemistry, qPCR

Leonie C.S. de Vries

MD - (clinical PhD fellow)

Training & education: Medicine at University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
Skills: Culturing (primary) cells, translational science.

Anne S. ten Hove

MD - (PhD fellow)

Training & education: Medicine, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Skills: Translational science, neurogastroenterology

Emmeline G. Peters

MD - (clinical PhD fellow)

Training & education: Medicine at University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
Skills: medical education

David J. (Daan) Brinkman

MD - (clincical PhD fellow)

Training & education: Medicine, University of Maastricht (the Netherlands).
Skills: Clinical research, translational research, medical education

Manon de Krijger

MD - (clinical PhD fellow)

Training & education: Medicine at University of Maastricht (The Netherlands)
Skills: Medical education, translational research

Isabelle A.M. van Thiel

MSc - (PhD-student)

Training & education: Molecular Life Scienes, Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
Skills: RNAseq, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence and Confocal Microscopy, (q)PCR, In Situ Hybridization

Shafaque Rahman

MSc - (PhD-student)

Training & education: Biology (specialization Microbiology), Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Skills: ELISA, qPCR, SDS-PAGE, Western Blotting, Immunofluorescence microscopy, cloning

Ahmed Elfiky

MD - (PhD fellow)

Training & education: Human Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt, T cell Immunology, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Germany
Skills: Cell culture, Flowcytometry, Immunology & Immunomodulation+

Ishtu L. Hageman

MD, MSc - (clincical PhD fellow)

Training & education: Medicine; University of Amsterdam, Infection & Immunity; Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Skills: immunology, PCR, multi-color flow cytometry, fluorescence-activated cell sorting

Claire P.M. van Helsdingen

MD - (clinical PhD fellow)

Training & education: Medicine, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Skills: medical education

Irini A.M. Kreulen

MSc - (PhD-student)

Training & education: Pharmacy, University of Utrecht (BSc); Biomedical Sciences, Leiden University (MSc), The Netherlands.
Skills: Cell biology, (Mucosal) Immunology, (primary and organoid) cell culture, (q)PCR, (fluorescence) microscopy, Western Blotting, ELISA

Charlotte Verburgt

MD - (clinical PhD fellow)

Training & education: Medicine at Leiden University (the Netherlands).
Skills: medical education

Gemma Pitotti

BSc, BRes - (PhD-student)

Training & education: Biotechnology at Imperial College London (UK), Systems and Synthetic Biology at Imperial College London (UK)
Skills: Organoid and cell culture, Systems Biology.

Naomi Wieser

MSc - (PhD-student)

Training & education: Master in Metagenomics and biology, Bard College (USA), Master in Biomedical sciences (Immunology and oncology), University of Lausanne.
Skills: Metagenomics, statistical analysis, microbiology technics (transposon mutagenesis) , FACS, qPCR, microbes growth (viral, bacterial and fungal)

Margriet Vervoordeldonk

PhD - (Lecturer)

Training & education: Master Biochemistry; University of Utrecht; PhD in Biochemistry, University of Utrecht.
Skills: Bioelectronics; Immunology; Preclinical models for arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease; Early Clinical Development.

Konstantina Zafeiropoulou

BSc, MSc

Training & education: Bachelor, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece; Medicine MSc (by research), Department of Human Nutrition, University of Glasgow, UK.
Skills: Cell culture, qPCR, targeted metabolomics, ELISA, luminex, microbiology, bioinformatics.


Joep P.M. Derikx


Training & education: Medicine, University of Maastricht; PhD, Department of Surgery, University of Maastricht; Surgery (resident followed by surgeon), Sittard, MUMC in Maastricht and EKZ in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Skills: Pediatric surgery, Gastro-Intestinal surgery and Endocrine surgery.

Ric E.A.F. van Tol


Training & education: Biology, University of Groningen; Transplantation Immunology, University of Minnesota Minneapolis; PhD in Medicine, Leiden University; Postdoc in Gastrointestinal Disease Research (1993-1997), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA.
Skills: Mucosal Immune physiology, Pediatric Nutrition Research, Industrial Research and Innovation Management

Marcel Mannens

Prof, PhD

Training & education: Medicine, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Biology/Chemistry, Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands).
Skills: Clinical Molecular Genetics, Epigenetics

Mark Davids


Training & education: Biotechnology - Bioprocess Engineering, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
Skills: Bioinformatics; Microbiology

Menno de Winther

Prof, PhD

Training & education: Biology, University of Utrecht (the Netherlands).
Skills: Macrophages, Inflammation, Mouse models, Signal transduction, Epigenetics, Cytokines, Atherosclerosis.

Misha Luyer


Current employement: Catharina Hospital Eindhoven (the Netherlands).

Peter Henneman


Training & education: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Leiden, The Netherlands)